What is Permaculture?

To take care of the earth, to take care of the people, to share the excess we have, and to care for our future generations is what life 


is all about.  


In a relationship with water

Water is a limited resource that is best not wasted, but can be recycled and reused as many times on your property as possible.  With rain collections systems, with grey water systems, with swales and berms, you can have a relationship with water that is much more than flushing down the drain. 

In a relationship with soil

Soil is simply a collection of micro organisms working to feed themselves.  Through relationships with the micro organisms, the plants are fed and the plant roots in turn feed the microorganisms.  Growing food is about the relationship you have with the microorganisms in your soil.

In a relationship with food

The food that you grow, harvest, catch is food that has the most vitamins and minerals possible so that your relationship to your body and its health thrives.  Knowing where your food comes from and how it was grown is paramount.

In a relationship with shelter

The relationship with your home is also vital.  Modern homes don't breathe, they use toxic materials, and a lot of energy.  Learning how to build a home out of natural, local materials is vital for the health of the planet.

In a relationship with energy

Having a relationship with energy is the hardest of all.  Cutting energy use:  heating, lighting, traveling, and consuming in general  is the hardest thing to do.  Becoming super localized is filled with relationships:  sharing shelter, food/meals, entertainment, work, etc and all of those things save energy.

In a relationship with climate

The climate is changing fast---especially in Alaska.  Humans have never lived on the planet with so much CO2 before.  Hopefully as a species we can figure out how to sequester carbon, plant more and more trees, curb our consumption in order to save the planet and make our climate habitable for future generations.


In a relationship with others

The hardest thing to do is to work in a group of people.  How can we cooperate with each other in this day and age of such division?  

Building GUILDS of people (like plants in a garden) can be very beneficial, enlightening, and super helpful.  

Defining the boundaries is also necessary.  

Permaculture is about designing relationships and some of the most important are those we work with.

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